Saturday, February 12, 2011

Adventures in Blogging

Just a year ago I didn't even know what the word blog meant. Oh who am I kidding...I still don't really know! But I figure if I follow directions carefully I will be a pro at whatever it is by the end of the week! I must admit I am very happy though to be learning how to keep up with modern day communication media.

For my relaxation technique I would like to share something I became aware of the other morning in quite a funny way. It has been a very cold winter here and I find that I have prematurely developed spring fever. The other morning when I walked out to my car I was delighted to see bright blue skies and to hear the birds chirping. But when I got to my car it was covered in ice. Perhaps scraping ice off the car is not so relaxing but it brought to mind a certain discord of nature. My senses, specifically my hearing and sight, were filled with the promise of a change of seasons that hadn't quite occured yet. At that moment I became acutely aware of my cold fingers and my cold breath visible in the chill air and I had to smile. "Mother Nature", I thought, "you're such a tease!"

1 comment:

  1. Bridget, what a great attitude. Not sure where you are but here in the northeast the winter has been brutal (and I tihnk most of the country has had the same experience). I have definitely lost my patience. However, next time I find myself once again shoveling out my driveway at 7 am, I will think of your post. Maybe we can think of shoveling and scraping as doing something to actively push winter away.
